Defer meaning in Hindi

Defer is a english word.

Defer Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • defer = आस्थगित करना

    • Usage: The payment was deferred for two or three days.
  • defer = स्वीकार करना{मत}

    • Usage: The students deferred to their teacher about the detailed topic.

Defer Meaning in Detail

  • defer (verb) = hold back to a later time

    Synonyms: postpone, prorogue, hold_over, put_over, table, shelve, set_back, defer, remit, put_off

    • Usage: let's postpone the exam
  • defer (verb) = yield to another's wish or opinion

    Synonyms: submit, bow, defer, accede, give_in

    • Usage: The government bowed to the military pressure
  • Other words to learn

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