Delay meaning in Hindi

Delay is a english word.

Delay Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • delay = देरी करना[होना]

    • Usage: You should not delay the procedure further.
    • Usage: Traffic was delayed by the bad weather.
    • Usage: Ram is trying to delay his going to London.
    • Usage: राम लंदन जाने को टालने की कोशिश कर रहा है.
  • delay = विलम्ब

    • Usage: The function will start without delay.
    • Usage: There was a delay of two hours noticed for the arrival of the train.
    • Usage: There will be some delay in the Annual function.
    • Usage: वार्षिकोत्सव मे थोड़ा विलम्ब होगा.

Delay Meaning in Detail

  • delay (noun) = time during which some action is awaited

    Synonyms: delay, hold, time_lag, postponement, wait

    • Usage: instant replay caused too long a delay
    • Usage: he ordered a hold in the action
  • delay (noun) = the act of delaying; inactivity resulting in something being put off until a later time

    Synonyms: delay, holdup

  • delay (verb) = cause to be slowed down or delayed

    Synonyms: delay, detain, hold_up

    • Usage: Traffic was delayed by the bad weather
    • Usage: she delayed the work that she didn't want to perform
  • delay (verb) = act later than planned, scheduled, or required

    Synonyms: delay

    • Usage: Don't delay your application to graduate school or else it won't be considered
  • delay (verb) = stop or halt

    Synonyms: stay, detain, delay

    • Usage: Please stay the bloodshed!
  • delay (verb) = slow the growth or development of

    Synonyms: check, retard, delay

    • Usage: The brain damage will retard the child's language development
  • Other words to learn

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