Demanding meaning in Hindi

Demanding is a english word.

Demanding Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • demanding = माँगों से भरा

    • Usage: The job of a medical practitioner is highly demanding.

Demanding Meaning in Detail

  • demanding (verb) = request urgently and forcefully

    Synonyms: demand

    • Usage: The victim's family is demanding compensation
    • Usage: The boss demanded that he be fired immediately
    • Usage: She demanded to see the manager
  • demanding (verb) = require as useful, just, or proper

    Synonyms: necessitate, ask, postulate, need, require, take, involve, call_for, demand

    • Usage: It takes nerve to do what she did
    • Usage: success usually requires hard work
    • Usage: This job asks a lot of patience and skill
    • Usage: This position demands a lot of personal sacrifice
    • Usage: This dinner calls for a spectacular dessert
    • Usage: This intervention does not postulate a patient's consent
  • demanding (verb) = claim as due or just

    Synonyms: demand, exact

    • Usage: The bank demanded payment of the loan
  • demanding (verb) = lay legal claim to

    Synonyms: demand

  • demanding (verb) = summon to court

    Synonyms: demand

  • demanding (verb) = ask to be informed of

    Synonyms: demand

    • Usage: I demand an explanation
  • demanding (adj) = requiring more than usually expected or thought due; especially great patience and effort and skill

    Synonyms: demanding

    • Usage: found the job very demanding
    • Usage: a baby can be so demanding
  • Other words to learn

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