Dent meaning in Hindi

Dent is a english word.

Dent Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • dent = गड्ढा

    • Usage: A truck hit the car from the back and caused this dent in the boot of my car.
  • dent = गड्ढा बनाना

    • Usage: The collision dented the side door of my car.

Dent Meaning in Detail

  • dent (noun) = an appreciable consequence (especially a lessening)

    Synonyms: dent

    • Usage: it made a dent in my bank account
  • dent (noun) = a depression scratched or carved into a surface

    Synonyms: incision, scratch, prick, slit, dent

  • dent (noun) = an impression in a surface (as made by a blow)

    Synonyms: dent, ding, gouge, nick

  • dent (verb) = make a depression into

    Synonyms: indent, dent

    • Usage: The bicycle dented my car
  • Other words to learn

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