Devastation meaning in Hindi

Devastation is a english word.

Devastation Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • devastation = नाश

    • Usage: Cyclone has caused devastation of many villages in Orissa.

Devastation Meaning in Detail

  • devastation (noun) = the state of being decayed or destroyed

    Synonyms: devastation, desolation

  • devastation (noun) = the feeling of being confounded or overwhelmed

    Synonyms: devastation

    • Usage: her departure left him in utter devastation
  • devastation (noun) = an event that results in total destruction

    Synonyms: devastation, desolation

  • devastation (noun) = plundering with excessive damage and destruction

    Synonyms: ravaging, devastation

  • devastation (noun) = the termination of something by causing so much damage to it that it cannot be repaired or no longer exists

    Synonyms: destruction, devastation

  • Other words to learn

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