Devil meaning in Hindi

Devil is a english word.

Devil Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • devil = शैतान

    • Usage: Satan was a devil.
  • devil = मसाले एवं तरल पदार्थों से खाना पकाना

    • Usage: They devilled the chicken.

Devil Meaning in Detail

  • devil (noun) = (Judeo-Christian and Islamic religions) chief spirit of evil and adversary of God; tempter of mankind; master of Hell

    Synonyms: Satan, Old_Nick, Devil, Lucifer, Beelzebub, the_Tempter, Prince_of_Darkness

  • devil (noun) = an evil supernatural being

    Synonyms: devil, fiend, demon, daemon, daimon

  • devil (noun) = a word used in exclamations of confusion

    Synonyms: devil, deuce, dickens

    • Usage: what the devil
    • Usage: the deuce with it
    • Usage: the dickens you say
  • devil (noun) = a rowdy or mischievous person (usually a young man)

    Synonyms: hellion, heller, devil

    • Usage: he chased the young hellions out of his yard
  • devil (noun) = a cruel wicked and inhuman person

    Synonyms: monster, fiend, devil, demon, ogre

  • devil (verb) = cause annoyance in; disturb, especially by minor irritations

    Synonyms: annoy, rag, get_to, bother, get_at, irritate, rile, nark, nettle, gravel, vex, chafe, devil

    • Usage: Mosquitoes buzzing in my ear really bothers me
    • Usage: It irritates me that she never closes the door after she leaves
  • devil (verb) = coat or stuff with a spicy paste

    Synonyms: devil

    • Usage: devilled eggs
  • Other words to learn

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