Din meaning in Hindi

Din is a english word.

Din Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • din = शोरगुल

    • Usage: The bar was full of din.
  • din = शोरगुल करना

    • Usage: The politicians dinned in the Lok Sabha.

Din Meaning in Detail

  • din (noun) = a loud harsh or strident noise

    Synonyms: blare, blaring, cacophony, clamor, din

  • din (noun) = the act of making a noisy disturbance

    Synonyms: commotion, din, ruction, ruckus, rumpus, tumult

  • din (verb) = make a resonant sound, like artillery

    Synonyms: boom, din

    • Usage: His deep voice boomed through the hall
  • din (verb) = instill (into a person) by constant repetition

    Synonyms: din

    • Usage: he dinned the lessons into his students
  • Other words to learn

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