Dirt meaning in Hindi

Dirt is a english word.

Dirt Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • dirt = मैल

    • Usage: There is lot of dirt in the room.

Dirt Meaning in Detail

  • dirt (noun) = the part of the earth's surface consisting of humus and disintegrated rock

    Synonyms: soil, dirt

  • dirt (noun) = the state of being covered with unclean things

    Synonyms: dirt, filth, grime, soil, stain, grease, grunge

  • dirt (noun) = obscene terms for feces

    Synonyms: crap, dirt, shit, shite, poop, turd

  • dirt (noun) = disgraceful gossip about the private lives of other people

    Synonyms: scandal, dirt, malicious_gossip

  • dirt (adj) = (of roads) not leveled or drained; unsuitable for all year travel

    Synonyms: dirt, ungraded

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