Displace meaning in Hindi

Displace is a english word.

Displace Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • displace = अपनी जगह से हटा देना

    • Usage: The refugees were displaced by war.
  • displace = दूसरों का स्थान लेना

    • Usage: Weeds displace other plants.

Displace Meaning in Detail

  • displace (verb) = cause to move, usually with force or pressure

    Synonyms: displace

    • Usage: the refugees were displaced by the war
  • displace (verb) = take the place of or have precedence over

    Synonyms: preempt, displace

    • Usage: live broadcast of the presidential debate preempts the regular news hour
    • Usage: discussion of the emergency situation will preempt the lecture by the professor
  • displace (verb) = terminate the employment of; discharge from an office or position

    Synonyms: displace, fire, give_notice, can, dismiss, give_the_axe, send_away, sack, force_out, give_the_sack, terminate

    • Usage: The boss fired his secretary today
    • Usage: The company terminated 25% of its workers
  • displace (verb) = cause to move or shift into a new position or place, both in a concrete and in an abstract sense

    Synonyms: move, displace

    • Usage: Move those boxes into the corner, please
    • Usage: I'm moving my money to another bank
    • Usage: The director moved more responsibilities onto his new assistant
  • Other words to learn

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