Dissent meaning in Hindi

Dissent is a english word.

Dissent Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • dissent = असहमति

    • Usage: The republics expressed their dissent from joining the Union.
  • dissent = मतभेद होना

    • Usage: The Soviet republics dissented from the Union.

Dissent Meaning in Detail

  • dissent (noun) = (law) the difference of one judge's opinion from that of the majority

    Synonyms: dissent

    • Usage: he expressed his dissent in a contrary opinion
  • dissent (noun) = a difference of opinion

    Synonyms: dissent

  • dissent (noun) = the act of protesting; a public (often organized) manifestation of dissent

    Synonyms: protest, objection, dissent

  • dissent (verb) = withhold assent

    Synonyms: dissent

    • Usage: Several Republicans dissented
  • dissent (verb) = express opposition through action or words

    Synonyms: protest, resist, dissent

    • Usage: dissent to the laws of the country
  • dissent (verb) = be of different opinions

    Synonyms: disagree, differ, dissent, take_issue

    • Usage: I beg to differ!
    • Usage: She disagrees with her husband on many questions
  • Other words to learn

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