Divert meaning in Hindi

Divert is a english word.

Divert Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • divert = मोड़ना/मार्ग बदलना

    • Usage: They diverted the traffic because of the demonstration.

Divert Meaning in Detail

  • divert (verb) = turn aside; turn away from

    Synonyms: deviate, divert

  • divert (verb) = send on a course or in a direction different from the planned or intended one

    Synonyms: divert

  • divert (verb) = occupy in an agreeable, entertaining or pleasant fashion

    Synonyms: amuse, divert, disport

    • Usage: The play amused the ladies
  • divert (verb) = withdraw (money) and move into a different location, often secretly and with dishonest intentions

    Synonyms: divert, hive_off

  • Other words to learn

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