Dot meaning in Hindi

Dot is a english word.

Dot Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • dot = बिन्दु

    • Usage: Dots are important in a graphor geometry
    • Usage: Join up the dots to complete the drawing
    • Usage: A dot is used as a full stop at the end of a sentance
    • Usage: The island was just a dot in the occan
  • dot = बिन्दु से चिह्नित करना

    • Usage: The students wre asked to dot the cities in the map.
  • dot = जगह-जगह फैलाना

    • Usage: The sky was dotted with stars on the dot - le; ij
    • Usage: He's very punstual always arrive on the dot

Dot Meaning in Detail

  • dot (noun) = a very small circular shape

    Synonyms: point, dot

    • Usage: a row of points
    • Usage: draw lines between the dots
  • dot (noun) = the United States federal department that institutes and coordinates national transportation programs; created in 1966

    Synonyms: Department_of_Transportation, Transportation, DoT

  • dot (noun) = the shorter of the two telegraphic signals used in Morse code

    Synonyms: dot, dit

  • dot (noun) = street name for lysergic acid diethylamide

    Synonyms: acid, back_breaker, battery-acid, dose, dot, Elvis, loony_toons, Lucy_in_the_sky_with_diamonds, pane, superman, window_pane, Zen

  • dot (verb) = scatter or intersperse like dots or studs

    Synonyms: dot, stud, constellate

    • Usage: Hills constellated with lights
  • dot (verb) = distribute loosely

    Synonyms: scatter, sprinkle, dot, dust, disperse

    • Usage: He scattered gun powder under the wagon
  • dot (verb) = make a dot or dots

    Synonyms: dot

  • dot (verb) = mark with a dot

    Synonyms: dot

    • Usage: dot your `i's
  • Other words to learn

    Also See

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