Hatch meaning in Hindi

Hatch is a english word.

Hatch Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • hatch = द्वार

    • Usage: A hatch is very necessary between a kitchen and a dining-room .
    • Usage: रसोई और डायनिंग रूम के बीच एक द्वार होना बहुत ज़रुरी है .
  • hatch = अंडे सेना

    • Usage: In a corner of the room, the hen was hatching the eggs.
    • Usage: कमरे के एक कोने में मुर्गी अण्डे से रही थी .

Hatch Meaning in Detail

  • hatch (noun) = the production of young from an egg

    Synonyms: hatch, hatching

  • hatch (noun) = shading consisting of multiple crossing lines

    Synonyms: hatch, hatching, crosshatch, hachure

  • hatch (noun) = a movable barrier covering a hatchway

    Synonyms: hatch

  • hatch (verb) = emerge from the eggs

    Synonyms: hatch

    • Usage: young birds, fish, and reptiles hatch
  • hatch (verb) = devise or invent

    Synonyms: think_up, think_of, dream_up, hatch, concoct

    • Usage: He thought up a plan to get rich quickly
    • Usage: no-one had ever thought of such a clever piece of software
  • hatch (verb) = inlay with narrow strips or lines of a different substance such as gold or silver, for the purpose of decorating

    Synonyms: hatch

  • hatch (verb) = draw, cut, or engrave lines, usually parallel, on metal, wood, or paper

    Synonyms: hatch

    • Usage: hatch the sheet
  • hatch (verb) = sit on (eggs)

    Synonyms: brood, hatch, cover, incubate

    • Usage: Birds brood
    • Usage: The female covers the eggs
  • Other words to learn

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