Ebb meaning in Hindi

Ebb is a english word.

Ebb Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • ebb = भाटा

    • Usage: The rise and ebb of the tide is common.
  • ebb = बह जाना

    • Usage: The water in the lake ebbed away during the tide.
  • ebb = कम होना

    • Usage: Due to hard work all his energy ebbed .

Ebb Meaning in Detail

  • ebb (noun) = a gradual decline (in size or strength or power or number)

    Synonyms: ebb, ebbing, wane

  • ebb (noun) = the outward flow of the tide

    Synonyms: ebb, reflux

  • ebb (verb) = flow back or recede

    Synonyms: ebb, ebb_away, ebb_down, ebb_out, ebb_off

    • Usage: the tides ebbed at noon
  • ebb (verb) = hem in fish with stakes and nets so as to prevent them from going back into the sea with the ebb

    Synonyms: ebb

  • ebb (verb) = fall away or decline

    Synonyms: ebb

    • Usage: The patient's strength ebbed away
  • Other words to learn

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