Entry meaning in Hindi

Entry is a english word.

Entry Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • entry = प्रवेश/प्रविष्टि

  • entry = प्रवेश/डेवढ़ी

    • Usage: Yash got entry in the painting competition.

Entry Meaning in Detail

  • entry (noun) = an item inserted in a written record

    Synonyms: entry

  • entry (noun) = the act of beginning something new

    Synonyms: introduction, debut, first_appearance, launching, unveiling, entry

    • Usage: they looked forward to the debut of their new product line
  • entry (noun) = a written record of a commercial transaction

    Synonyms: entry, accounting_entry, ledger_entry

  • entry (noun) = something (manuscripts or architectural plans and models or estimates or works of art of all genres etc.) submitted for the judgment of others (as in a competition)

    Synonyms: submission, entry

    • Usage: several of his submissions were rejected by publishers
    • Usage: what was the date of submission of your proposal?
  • entry (noun) = something that provides access (to get in or get out)

    Synonyms: entrance, entranceway, entryway, entry, entree

    • Usage: they waited at the entrance to the garden
    • Usage: beggars waited just outside the entryway to the cathedral
  • entry (noun) = the act of entering

    Synonyms: entrance, entering, entry, ingress, incoming

    • Usage: she made a grand entrance
  • Other words to learn

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