Loft meaning in Hindi

Loft is a english word.

Loft Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • loft = अटारी/दुछत्ती

    • Usage: Put it in the loft.
  • loft = उछालना

    • Usage: A lofted drive.

Loft Meaning in Detail

  • loft (noun) = floor consisting of a large unpartitioned space over a factory or warehouse or other commercial space

    Synonyms: loft

  • loft (noun) = floor consisting of open space at the top of a house just below roof; often used for storage

    Synonyms: loft, attic, garret

  • loft (noun) = (golf) the backward slant on the head of some golf clubs that is designed to drive the ball high in the air

    Synonyms: loft

  • loft (noun) = a raised shelter in which pigeons are kept

    Synonyms: loft, pigeon_loft

  • loft (verb) = store in a loft

    Synonyms: loft

  • loft (verb) = propel through the air

    Synonyms: loft

    • Usage: The rocket lofted the space shuttle into the air
  • loft (verb) = kick or strike high in the air

    Synonyms: loft

    • Usage: loft a ball
  • loft (verb) = lay out a full-scale working drawing of the lines of a vessel's hull

    Synonyms: loft

  • Other words to learn

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