Estimation meaning in Hindi

Estimation is a english word.

Estimation Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • estimation = मूल्य निरूपण

    • Usage: They had a high estimation of his ability

Estimation Meaning in Detail

  • estimation (noun) = a document appraising the value of something (as for insurance or taxation)

    Synonyms: appraisal, estimate, estimation

  • estimation (noun) = the respect with which a person is held

    Synonyms: estimate, estimation

    • Usage: they had a high estimation of his ability
  • estimation (noun) = an approximate calculation of quantity or degree or worth

    Synonyms: estimate, estimation, approximation, idea

    • Usage: an estimate of what it would cost
    • Usage: a rough idea how long it would take
  • estimation (noun) = a judgment of the qualities of something or somebody

    Synonyms: estimate, estimation

    • Usage: many factors are involved in any estimate of human life
    • Usage: in my estimation the boy is innocent
  • Other words to learn

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