Rice meaning in Hindi

Rice is a english word.

Rice Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • rice = चावल

    • Usage: Indian basmati rice is famous for its aroma and long grain.

Rice Meaning in Detail

  • rice (noun) = grains used as food either unpolished or more often polished

    Synonyms: rice

  • rice (noun) = annual or perennial rhizomatous marsh grasses; seed used for food; straw used for paper

    Synonyms: rice

  • rice (noun) = English lyricist who frequently worked with Andrew Lloyd Webber (born in 1944)

    Synonyms: Rice, Sir_Tim_Rice, Timothy_Miles_Bindon_Rice

  • rice (noun) = United States playwright (1892-1967)

    Synonyms: Rice, Elmer_Rice, Elmer_Leopold_Rice, Elmer_Reizenstein

  • rice (verb) = sieve so that it becomes the consistency of rice

    Synonyms: rice

    • Usage: rice the potatoes
  • Other words to learn

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