Fallacious meaning in Hindi

Fallacious is a english word.

Fallacious Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • fallacious = भ्रम में डालने वाला

    • Usage: George Fernandez's statement on safe passage to mujahideens was fallacious.

Fallacious Meaning in Detail

  • fallacious (adj) = containing or based on a fallacy

    Synonyms: fallacious, unsound

    • Usage: fallacious reasoning
    • Usage: an unsound argument
  • fallacious (adj) = intended to deceive

    Synonyms: deceitful, fallacious, fraudulent

    • Usage: deceitful advertising
    • Usage: fallacious testimony
    • Usage: smooth, shining, and deceitful as thin ice" - S.T.Coleridge
    • Usage: a fraudulent scheme to escape paying taxes
  • fallacious (adj) = based on an incorrect or misleading notion or information

    Synonyms: fallacious

    • Usage: fallacious hope
  • Other words to learn

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