Fare meaning in Hindi

Fare is a english word.

Fare Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • fare = किराया

    • Usage: I can't afford an air fare.
  • fare = खाना

    • Usage: It was a simple and a wholesome fare.
  • fare = आगे जाना/प्रगति करना

    • Usage: He fared badly in exams.

Fare Meaning in Detail

  • fare (noun) = an agenda of things to do

    Synonyms: menu, fare

    • Usage: they worked rapidly down the menu of reports
  • fare (noun) = the sum charged for riding in a public conveyance

    Synonyms: fare, transportation

  • fare (noun) = a paying (taxi) passenger

    Synonyms: fare

  • fare (noun) = the food and drink that are regularly served or consumed

    Synonyms: fare

  • fare (verb) = proceed or get along

    Synonyms: do, fare, make_out, come, get_along

    • Usage: How is she doing in her new job?
    • Usage: How are you making out in graduate school?
    • Usage: He's come a long way
  • fare (verb) = eat well

    Synonyms: fare

  • Other words to learn

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