Fatigue meaning in Hindi

Fatigue is a english word.

Fatigue Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • fatigue = थकावट

    • Usage: Many athletes withdrew from the race due to fatigue.
  • fatigue = थकाना

    • Usage: I was fatigued after walking 7km.

Fatigue Meaning in Detail

  • fatigue (noun) = temporary loss of strength and energy resulting from hard physical or mental work

    Synonyms: fatigue, weariness, tiredness

    • Usage: he was hospitalized for extreme fatigue
    • Usage: growing fatigue was apparent from the decline in the execution of their athletic skills
    • Usage: weariness overcame her after twelve hours and she fell asleep
  • fatigue (noun) = used of materials (especially metals) in a weakened state caused by long stress

    Synonyms: fatigue

    • Usage: metal fatigue
  • fatigue (noun) = (always used with a modifier) boredom resulting from overexposure to something

    Synonyms: fatigue

    • Usage: he was suffering from museum fatigue
    • Usage: after watching TV with her husband she had a bad case of football fatigue
    • Usage: the American public is experiencing scandal fatigue
    • Usage: political fatigue
  • fatigue (noun) = labor of a nonmilitary kind done by soldiers (cleaning or digging or draining or so on)

    Synonyms: fatigue_duty, fatigue

    • Usage: the soldiers were put on fatigue to teach them a lesson
    • Usage: they were assigned to kitchen fatigues
  • fatigue (verb) = lose interest or become bored with something or somebody

    Synonyms: tire, pall, weary, fatigue, jade

    • Usage: I'm so tired of your mother and her complaints about my food
  • fatigue (verb) = exhaust or get tired through overuse or great strain or stress

    Synonyms: tire, wear_upon, tire_out, wear, weary, jade, wear_out, outwear, wear_down, fag_out, fag, fatigue

    • Usage: We wore ourselves out on this hike
  • Other words to learn

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