Avert meaning in Hindi

Avert is a english word.

Avert Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • avert = घुमा देना

    • Usage: She averted her thoughts from his memories.
  • avert = टाल देना

    • Usage: Ram always averted the issue of getting married.
    • Usage: राम विवाह को टाल देना चाहता था.

Avert Meaning in Detail

  • avert (verb) = prevent the occurrence of; prevent from happening

    Synonyms: debar, forefend, forfend, obviate, deflect, avert, head_off, stave_off, fend_off, avoid, ward_off

    • Usage: Let's avoid a confrontation
    • Usage: head off a confrontation
    • Usage: avert a strike
  • avert (verb) = turn away or aside

    Synonyms: avert, turn_away

    • Usage: They averted their eyes when the King entered
  • Other words to learn

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