Fellow meaning in Hindi

Fellow is a english word.

Fellow Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • fellow = व्यक्ति[साथी]

  • fellow = व्यक्ति

    • Usage: He is a good fellow.
    • Usage: Where can a fellow get a cab at this time of night.
  • fellow = सभासद

    • Usage: He is a fellow of the Institution of Engineers.
  • fellow = सहचर

    • Usage: He was my fellow traveller on the long journey.

Fellow Meaning in Detail

  • fellow (noun) = a boy or man

    Synonyms: chap, fellow, feller, fella, lad, gent, blighter, cuss, bloke

    • Usage: that chap is your host
    • Usage: there's a fellow at the door
    • Usage: he's a likable cuss
    • Usage: he's a good bloke
  • fellow (noun) = a friend who is frequently in the company of another

    Synonyms: companion, comrade, fellow, familiar, associate

    • Usage: drinking companions
    • Usage: comrades in arms
  • fellow (noun) = a person who is member of one's class or profession

    Synonyms: colleague, confrere, fellow

    • Usage: the surgeon consulted his colleagues
    • Usage: he sent e-mail to his fellow hackers
  • fellow (noun) = one of a pair

    Synonyms: mate, fellow

    • Usage: he lost the mate to his shoe
    • Usage: one eye was blue but its fellow was brown
  • fellow (noun) = a member of a learned society

    Synonyms: fellow

    • Usage: he was elected a fellow of the American Physiological Association
  • fellow (noun) = an informal form of address for a man

    Synonyms: fellow, dude, buster

    • Usage: Say, fellow, what are you doing?
    • Usage: Hey buster, what's up?
  • fellow (noun) = a man who is the lover of a girl or young woman

    Synonyms: boyfriend, fellow, beau, swain, young_man

    • Usage: if I'd known he was her boyfriend I wouldn't have asked
  • Other words to learn

    Also See

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