Ferment meaning in Hindi

Ferment is a english word.

Ferment Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • ferment = ख़मीर उठाना

    • Usage: Flour is fermented with yeast to make bread.
  • ferment = उत्तेजित करना

    • Usage: Trouble was being fermented in masses due to bad governence by the state government.
    • Usage: By giving inflamatory speech, the leader fermented anger of the crowd.

Ferment Meaning in Detail

  • ferment (noun) = a state of agitation or turbulent change or development

    Synonyms: agitation, ferment, fermentation, tempestuousness, unrest

    • Usage: the political ferment produced new leadership
    • Usage: social unrest
  • ferment (noun) = a substance capable of bringing about fermentation

    Synonyms: ferment

  • ferment (noun) = a process in which an agent causes an organic substance to break down into simpler substances; especially, the anaerobic breakdown of sugar into alcohol

    Synonyms: zymosis, zymolysis, fermentation, fermenting, ferment

  • ferment (verb) = be in an agitated or excited state

    Synonyms: ferment

    • Usage: The Middle East is fermenting
    • Usage: Her mind ferments
  • ferment (verb) = work up into agitation or excitement

    Synonyms: ferment

    • Usage: Islam is fermenting Africa
  • ferment (verb) = cause to undergo fermentation

    Synonyms: ferment, work

    • Usage: We ferment the grapes for a very long time to achieve high alcohol content
    • Usage: The vintner worked the wine in big oak vats
  • ferment (verb) = go sour or spoil

    Synonyms: sour, turn, ferment, work

    • Usage: The milk has soured
    • Usage: The wine worked
    • Usage: The cream has turned--we have to throw it out
  • Other words to learn

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