Fetch meaning in Hindi

Fetch is a english word.

Fetch Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • fetch = जाकर लाना

    • Usage: Please go and fetch some chairs.
  • fetch = मूल्य प्राप्ति

    • Usage: This hose will fetch atleast Rs.1.million if sold.

Fetch Meaning in Detail

  • fetch (noun) = the action of fetching

    Synonyms: fetch

  • fetch (verb) = go or come after and bring or take back

    Synonyms: bring, get, convey, fetch

    • Usage: Get me those books over there, please
    • Usage: Could you bring the wine?
    • Usage: The dog fetched the hat
  • fetch (verb) = be sold for a certain price

    Synonyms: fetch, bring_in, bring

    • Usage: The painting brought $10,000
    • Usage: The old print fetched a high price at the auction
  • fetch (verb) = take away or remove

    Synonyms: fetch

    • Usage: The devil will fetch you!
  • Other words to learn

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