Fifth meaning in Hindi

Fifth is a english word.

Fifth Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • fifth = पाँचवाँ

    • Usage: He came fifth in the race.
  • fifth = पाँचवाँ

    • Usage: He came fifth in the race.

Fifth Meaning in Detail

  • fifth (noun) = a quantity of liquor equal to one fifth of a United States gallon

    Synonyms: fifth

  • fifth (noun) = position five in a countable series of things

    Synonyms: fifth

    • Usage: he was fifth out of several hundred runners
  • fifth (noun) = one part in five equal parts

    Synonyms: one-fifth, fifth, fifth_part, twenty_percent

  • fifth (noun) = the musical interval between one note and another five notes away from it

    Synonyms: fifth

  • fifth (adj) = coming next after the fourth and just before the sixth in position

    Synonyms: fifth, 5th

  • Other words to learn

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