Quarantine meaning in Hindi

Quarantine is a english word.

Quarantine Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • quarantine = संगरोध

    • Usage: The Jews were in quarantine for a long period.
  • quarantine = संगरोध करना

    • Usage: The animals are quarantined before they are allowed to enter a foreign nation.

Quarantine Meaning in Detail

  • quarantine (noun) = enforced isolation of patients suffering from a contagious disease in order to prevent the spread of disease

    Synonyms: quarantine

  • quarantine (noun) = isolation to prevent the spread of infectious disease

    Synonyms: quarantine

  • quarantine (verb) = place into enforced isolation, as for medical reasons

    Synonyms: quarantine

    • Usage: My dog was quarantined before he could live in England
  • Other words to learn

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