Finance meaning in Hindi

Finance is a english word.

Finance Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • finance = आर्थिक व्यवस्था

    • Usage: He has financed his studies through loan from bank.
    • Usage: He has not been able to manage his finances properly resulting in a big loss.
  • finance = आर्थिक प्रबन्ध

    • Usage: The company has arranged finance for their new project through issue of bonds.

Finance Meaning in Detail

  • finance (noun) = the commercial activity of providing funds and capital

    Synonyms: finance

  • finance (noun) = the branch of economics that studies the management of money and other assets

    Synonyms: finance

  • finance (noun) = the management of money and credit and banking and investments

    Synonyms: finance

  • finance (verb) = obtain or provide money for

    Synonyms: finance

    • Usage: Can we finance the addition to our home?
  • finance (verb) = sell or provide on credit

    Synonyms: finance

  • Other words to learn

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