Flap meaning in Hindi

Flap is a english word.

Flap Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • flap = फ्लैप

    • Usage: Flap of his overcoat was trailing on the ground.
    • Usage: The flap of the curtain was moving with the wind.
  • flap = पंख{हवाई जहाज़ के}

    • Usage: Flaps are lowered to reduce the speed of the aircraft.
  • flap = उत्तेजना

    • Usage: He got in a real flap when he was not considered for promotion.
  • flap = हिलना[हिलाना]

    • Usage: The bird flaaped its wings.
  • flap = हल्के से मारना

    • Usage: Please flap the insect with this book.
  • flap = चिन्ता करना

    • Usage: He was quite flapped at his first appearance at the show.

Flap Meaning in Detail

  • flap (noun) = any broad thin and limber covering attached at one edge; hangs loose or projects freely

    Synonyms: flap

    • Usage: he wrote on the flap of the envelope
  • flap (noun) = an excited state of agitation

    Synonyms: dither, pother, fuss, tizzy, flap

    • Usage: he was in a dither
    • Usage: there was a terrible flap about the theft
  • flap (noun) = the motion made by flapping up and down

    Synonyms: flap, flapping, flutter, fluttering

  • flap (noun) = a movable piece of tissue partly connected to the body

    Synonyms: flap

  • flap (noun) = a movable airfoil that is part of an aircraft wing; used to increase lift or drag

    Synonyms: flap, flaps

  • flap (verb) = move in a wavy pattern or with a rising and falling motion

    Synonyms: roll, undulate, flap, wave

    • Usage: The curtains undulated
    • Usage: the waves rolled towards the beach
  • flap (verb) = move noisily

    Synonyms: flap

    • Usage: flags flapped in the strong wind
  • flap (verb) = move with a thrashing motion

    Synonyms: beat, flap

    • Usage: The bird flapped its wings
    • Usage: The eagle beat its wings and soared high into the sky
  • flap (verb) = move with a flapping motion

    Synonyms: beat, flap

    • Usage: The bird's wings were flapping
  • flap (verb) = make a fuss; be agitated

    Synonyms: dither, flap, pother

  • flap (verb) = pronounce with a flap, of alveolar sounds

    Synonyms: flap

  • Other words to learn

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