Moment meaning in Hindi

Moment is a english word.

Moment Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • moment = क्षण

    • Usage: One moment lost cannot be made up at times.

Moment Meaning in Detail

  • moment (noun) = a particular point in time

    Synonyms: moment, minute, second, instant

    • Usage: the moment he arrived the party began
  • moment (noun) = an indefinitely short time

    Synonyms: moment, mo, minute, second, bit

    • Usage: wait just a moment
    • Usage: in a mo
    • Usage: it only takes a minute
    • Usage: in just a bit
  • moment (noun) = at this time

    Synonyms: here_and_now, present_moment, moment

    • Usage: the disappointments of the here and now
    • Usage: she is studying at the moment
  • moment (noun) = having important effects or influence

    Synonyms: consequence, import, moment

    • Usage: decisions of great consequence are made by the president himself
    • Usage: virtue is of more moment than security
    • Usage: that result is of no consequence
  • moment (noun) = a turning force produced by an object acting at a distance (or a measure of that force)

    Synonyms: moment

  • moment (noun) = the n-th moment of a distribution is the expected value of the n-th power of the deviations from a fixed value

    Synonyms: moment

  • Other words to learn

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