Foggy meaning in Hindi

Foggy is a english word.

Foggy Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • foggy = कोहरेदार

  • foggy = धुँधला

    • Usage: This is a foggy day, you cannot see the sun.
  • foggy = भ्रमपूर्ण

    • Usage: His instructions are always foggy.

Foggy Meaning in Detail

  • foggy (adj) = stunned or confused and slow to react (as from blows or drunkenness or exhaustion)

    Synonyms: dazed, foggy, groggy, logy, stuporous

  • foggy (adj) = indistinct or hazy in outline

    Synonyms: bleary, blurred, blurry, foggy, fuzzy, hazy, muzzy

    • Usage: a landscape of blurred outlines
    • Usage: the trees were just blurry shapes
  • foggy (adj) = filled or abounding with fog or mist

    Synonyms: brumous, foggy, hazy, misty

    • Usage: a brumous October morning
  • foggy (adj) = obscured by fog

    Synonyms: fogged, foggy

    • Usage: he could barely see through the fogged window
  • Other words to learn

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