Fold meaning in Hindi

Fold is a english word.

Fold Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • fold = तह करना

    • Usage: Fold the clothes properly before putting them in the drawer.
  • fold = बंद करना

    • Usage: Please fold the chairs in the garden and stack them .
  • fold = समाप्त होना

    • Usage: The movie folded within a week in spite of all the publicity.
  • fold = चुन्नट

    • Usage: Please see that this curtain hangs with proper folds.
  • fold = मोड़ने का निशान

    • Usage: The folds on this paper are not properly made for orgamy designs.
  • fold = चट्टान में मोड़

    • Usage: Oil is normally found in basin caused by folding of sedimentary rocks.
  • fold = भेडों को रखने का बाड़ा

    • Usage: At sunset he locked his sheep in the fold.
  • fold = समुदाय

    • Usage: Some disgruntled members decided to leave the party's fold.
  • fold = गुना

    • Usage: He has multiplied his money tenfold by investing judiciously.

Fold Meaning in Detail

  • fold (noun) = an angular or rounded shape made by folding

    Synonyms: fold, crease, plication, flexure, crimp, bend

    • Usage: a fold in the napkin
    • Usage: a crease in his trousers
    • Usage: a plication on her blouse
    • Usage: a flexure of the colon
    • Usage: a bend of his elbow
  • fold (noun) = a group of people who adhere to a common faith and habitually attend a given church

    Synonyms: congregation, fold, faithful

  • fold (noun) = a geological process that causes a bend in a stratum of rock

    Synonyms: fold, folding

  • fold (noun) = a group of sheep or goats

    Synonyms: flock, fold

  • fold (noun) = a folded part (as in skin or muscle)

    Synonyms: fold, plica

  • fold (noun) = a pen for sheep

    Synonyms: fold, sheepfold, sheep_pen, sheepcote

  • fold (noun) = the act of folding

    Synonyms: fold, folding

    • Usage: he gave the napkins a double fold
  • fold (verb) = bend or lay so that one part covers the other

    Synonyms: fold, fold_up, turn_up

    • Usage: fold up the newspaper
    • Usage: turn up your collar
  • fold (verb) = incorporate a food ingredient into a mixture by repeatedly turning it over without stirring or beating

    Synonyms: fold

    • Usage: Fold the egg whites into the batter
  • fold (verb) = cease to operate or cause to cease operating

    Synonyms: close_up, close, fold, shut_down, close_down

    • Usage: The owners decided to move and to close the factory
    • Usage: My business closes every night at 8 P.M.
    • Usage: close up the shop
  • fold (verb) = confine in a fold, like sheep

    Synonyms: pen_up, fold

  • fold (verb) = become folded or folded up

    Synonyms: fold, fold_up

    • Usage: The bed folds in a jiffy
  • Other words to learn

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