Folk meaning in Hindi

Folk is a english word.

Folk Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • folk = लोग

    • Usage: I am going to my village to meet my follks.
  • folk = जनता

    • Usage: The folks of Scandinavian countries are very friendly.
  • folk = लोक परम्परानुसार

    • Usage: Every culture has many folk tales of their past.
  • folk = लोक

    • Usage: folk music, folk dances, folk art of a country or community.

Folk Meaning in Detail

  • folk (noun) = people in general (often used in the plural)

    Synonyms: folk, folks, common_people

    • Usage: they're just country folk
    • Usage: folks around here drink moonshine
    • Usage: the common people determine the group character and preserve its customs from one generation to the next
  • folk (noun) = a social division of (usually preliterate) people

    Synonyms: tribe, folk

  • folk (noun) = people descended from a common ancestor

    Synonyms: family, family_line, folk, kinfolk, kinsfolk, sept, phratry

    • Usage: his family has lived in Massachusetts since the Mayflower
  • folk (noun) = the traditional and typically anonymous music that is an expression of the life of people in a community

    Synonyms: folk_music, ethnic_music, folk

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