Objective meaning in Hindi

Objective is a english word.

Objective Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • objective = विषयनिष्ठ

    • Usage: Locke believed in the objeetive perception of reelity.
  • objective = निष्पक्ष

    • Usage: The objective report was not appreciated.

Objective Meaning in Detail

  • objective (noun) = the goal intended to be attained (and which is believed to be attainable)

    Synonyms: aim, object, objective, target

    • Usage: the sole object of her trip was to see her children
  • objective (noun) = the lens or system of lenses in a telescope or microscope that is nearest the object being viewed

    Synonyms: objective, objective_lens, object_lens, object_glass

  • objective (adj) = undistorted by emotion or personal bias; based on observable phenomena

    Synonyms: objective, nonsubjective

    • Usage: an objective appraisal
    • Usage: objective evidence
  • objective (adj) = serving as or indicating the object of a verb or of certain prepositions and used for certain other purposes

    Synonyms: objective, accusative

    • Usage: objective case
    • Usage: accusative endings
  • objective (adj) = emphasizing or expressing things as perceived without distortion of personal feelings, insertion of fictional matter, or interpretation

    Synonyms: objective, documentary

    • Usage: objective art
  • objective (adj) = belonging to immediate experience of actual things or events

    Synonyms: objective

    • Usage: objective benefits
    • Usage: an objective example
    • Usage: there is no objective evidence of anything of the kind
  • Other words to learn

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