Footprint meaning in Hindi

Footprint is a english word.

Footprint Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • footprint = पैर का चिह्न

    • Usage: Lalbujhakkad saw the footprints of an elephant.

Footprint Meaning in Detail

  • footprint (noun) = a mark of a foot or shoe on a surface

    Synonyms: footprint, footmark, step

    • Usage: the police made casts of the footprints in the soft earth outside the window
  • footprint (noun) = a trace suggesting that something was once present or felt or otherwise important

    Synonyms: footprint

    • Usage: the footprints of an earlier civilization
  • footprint (noun) = the area taken up by some object

    Synonyms: footprint

    • Usage: the computer had a desktop footprint of 10 by 16 inches
  • Other words to learn

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