Foundation meaning in Hindi

Foundation is a english word.

Foundation Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • foundation = आधार

    • Usage: The foundation of the building was layed way back in 1997.
  • foundation = स्थापना

    • Usage: The foundation of a library in the town helpe dmany a students.
  • foundation = संस्था

    • Usage: To get financial support for your research you can apply to various research foundations.

Foundation Meaning in Detail

  • foundation (noun) = the basis on which something is grounded

    Synonyms: foundation

    • Usage: there is little foundation for his objections
  • foundation (noun) = an institution supported by an endowment

    Synonyms: foundation

  • foundation (noun) = lowest support of a structure

    Synonyms: foundation, base, fundament, foot, groundwork, substructure, understructure

    • Usage: it was built on a base of solid rock
    • Usage: he stood at the foot of the tower
  • foundation (noun) = education or instruction in the fundamentals of a field of knowledge

    Synonyms: foundation, grounding

    • Usage: he lacks the foundation necessary for advanced study
    • Usage: a good grounding in mathematics
  • foundation (noun) = the fundamental assumptions from which something is begun or developed or calculated or explained

    Synonyms: basis, base, foundation, fundament, groundwork, cornerstone

    • Usage: the whole argument rested on a basis of conjecture
  • foundation (noun) = a woman's undergarment worn to give shape to the contours of the body

    Synonyms: foundation_garment, foundation

  • foundation (noun) = the act of starting something for the first time; introducing something new

    Synonyms: initiation, founding, foundation, institution, origination, creation, innovation, introduction, instauration

    • Usage: she looked forward to her initiation as an adult
    • Usage: the foundation of a new scientific society
  • Other words to learn

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