Fragmentation meaning in Hindi

Fragmentation is a english word.

Fragmentation Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • fragmentation = विखंडन

    • Usage: Fragmentation of the empire led to its downfall.

Fragmentation Meaning in Detail

  • fragmentation (noun) = separating something into fine particles

    Synonyms: atomization, atomisation, fragmentation

  • fragmentation (noun) = the disintegration of social norms governing behavior and thought and social relationships

    Synonyms: fragmentation

  • fragmentation (noun) = (computer science) the condition of a file that is broken up and stored in many different locations on a magnetic disk

    Synonyms: fragmentation

    • Usage: fragmentation slows system performance because it takes extra time to locate and assemble the parts of the fragmented file
  • fragmentation (noun) = the scattering of bomb fragments after the bomb explodes

    Synonyms: fragmentation

  • Other words to learn

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