Frail meaning in Hindi

Frail is a english word.

Frail Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • frail = कमज़ोर

    • Usage: She has become very frail after her illness.

Frail Meaning in Detail

  • frail (noun) = the weight of a frail (basket) full of raisins or figs; between 50 and 75 pounds

    Synonyms: frail

  • frail (noun) = a basket for holding dried fruit (especially raisins or figs)

    Synonyms: frail

  • frail (adj) = physically weak

    Synonyms: frail

    • Usage: an invalid's frail body
  • frail (adj) = wanting in moral strength, courage, or will; having the attributes of man as opposed to e.g. divine beings

    Synonyms: fallible, frail, imperfect, weak

    • Usage: I'm only a fallible human
    • Usage: frail humanity
  • frail (adj) = easily broken or damaged or destroyed

    Synonyms: delicate, fragile, frail

    • Usage: a kite too delicate to fly safely
    • Usage: fragile porcelain plates
    • Usage: fragile old bones
    • Usage: a frail craft
  • Other words to learn

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