Fringe meaning in Hindi

Fringe is a english word.

Fringe Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • fringe = किनारा

    • Usage: Their house is located on the fringe of the forest.
  • fringe = बालों की लट

    • Usage: With a fringe in her hair she looks beautiful.
  • fringe = फुंदना

    • Usage: The lady made a fringe on her garment.

Fringe Meaning in Detail

  • fringe (noun) = the outside boundary or surface of something

    Synonyms: periphery, fringe, outer_boundary

  • fringe (noun) = a part of the city far removed from the center

    Synonyms: outskirt, fringe

    • Usage: they built a factory on the outskirts of the city
  • fringe (noun) = one of the light or dark bands produced by the interference and diffraction of light

    Synonyms: fringe, interference_fringe

  • fringe (noun) = a social group holding marginal or extreme views

    Synonyms: fringe

    • Usage: members of the fringe believe we should be armed with guns at all times
  • fringe (noun) = a border of hair that is cut short and hangs across the forehead

    Synonyms: bang, fringe

  • fringe (noun) = an ornamental border consisting of short lengths of hanging threads or tassels

    Synonyms: fringe

  • fringe (verb) = adorn with a fringe

    Synonyms: fringe

    • Usage: The weaver fringed the scarf
  • fringe (verb) = decorate with or as if with a surrounding fringe

    Synonyms: fringe

    • Usage: fur fringed the hem of the dress
  • Other words to learn

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