Gang meaning in Hindi

Gang is a english word.

Gang Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • gang = दल

    • Usage: A notorious gang of thieves was caught recently.

Gang Meaning in Detail

  • gang (noun) = an association of criminals

    Synonyms: gang, pack, ring, mob

    • Usage: police tried to break up the gang
    • Usage: a pack of thieves
  • gang (noun) = an informal body of friends

    Synonyms: crowd, crew, gang, bunch

    • Usage: he still hangs out with the same crowd
  • gang (noun) = an organized group of workmen

    Synonyms: gang, crew, work_party

  • gang (noun) = tool consisting of a combination of implements arranged to work together

    Synonyms: gang

  • gang (verb) = act as an organized group

    Synonyms: gang, gang_up

  • Other words to learn

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