Gangway meaning in Hindi

Gangway is a english word.

Gangway Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • gangway = जहाज पर चलने का संकुचित मार्ग

    • Usage: We entered into the ship through the gangway.
  • gangway = बैठने की कुर्सियों की पँक्तियों के बीच का सँकरा रास्ता

    • Usage: It was difficult to walk through the gangway in the theatre due to darkness.

Gangway Meaning in Detail

  • gangway (noun) = a temporary passageway of planks (as over mud on a building site)

    Synonyms: gangway

  • gangway (noun) = a temporary bridge for getting on and off a vessel at dockside

    Synonyms: gangplank, gangboard, gangway

  • gangway (noun) = passageway between seating areas as in an auditorium or passenger vehicle or between areas of shelves of goods as in stores

    Synonyms: aisle, gangway

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