Guard meaning in Hindi

Guard is a english word.

Guard Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • guard = चौकीदार

    • Usage: The guard at the gate checked my identity papers before allowing me to enter.
  • guard = सचेत रहना

    • Usage: Guard yourself against diseases.
  • guard = रखवाली करना

    • Usage: I am guarding the field against any cattle intrusion.

Guard Meaning in Detail

  • guard (noun) = a person who keeps watch over something or someone

    Synonyms: guard

  • guard (noun) = the person who plays that position on a football team

    Synonyms: guard

    • Usage: the left guard was injured on the play
  • guard (noun) = a device designed to prevent injury or accidents

    Synonyms: guard, safety, safety_device

  • guard (noun) = a posture of defence in boxing or fencing

    Synonyms: guard

    • Usage: keep your guard up
  • guard (noun) = the person who plays the position of guard on a basketball team

    Synonyms: guard

  • guard (noun) = a military unit serving to protect some place or person

    Synonyms: guard

  • guard (noun) = a precautionary measure warding off impending danger or damage or injury etc.

    Synonyms: precaution, safeguard, guard

    • Usage: he put an ice pack on the injury as a precaution
    • Usage: an insurance policy is a good safeguard
    • Usage: we let our guard down
  • guard (noun) = the duty of serving as a sentry

    Synonyms: guard_duty, guard, sentry_duty, sentry_go

    • Usage: he was on guard that night
  • guard (noun) = (American football) a position on the line of scrimmage

    Synonyms: guard

    • Usage: guards must be good blockers
  • guard (noun) = a position on a basketball team

    Synonyms: guard

  • guard (verb) = to keep watch over

    Synonyms: guard

    • Usage: there would be men guarding the horses
  • guard (verb) = watch over or shield from danger or harm; protect

    Synonyms: guard, ward

    • Usage: guard my possessions while I'm away
  • guard (verb) = protect against a challenge or attack

    Synonyms: defend, guard, hold

    • Usage: Hold that position behind the trees!
    • Usage: Hold the bridge against the enemy's attacks
  • guard (verb) = take precautions in order to avoid some unwanted consequence

    Synonyms: guard

    • Usage: guard against becoming too friendly with the staff
    • Usage: guard against infection
  • Other words to learn

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