Gather meaning in Hindi

Gather is a english word.

Gather Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • gather = कपड़े की तह

    • Usage: I like two gathers in my trousers.
  • gather = इकठ्ठा कर

  • gather = इकठ्ठा करना

    • Usage: He gathered as many flowers as he could.
  • gather = परिणाम निकालना

    • Usage: I gather from the recent reports that external forces are trying to create
    • Usage: trouble in the country.

Gather Meaning in Detail

  • gather (noun) = sewing consisting of small folds or puckers made by pulling tight a thread in a line of stitching

    Synonyms: gather, gathering

  • gather (noun) = the act of gathering something

    Synonyms: gather, gathering

  • gather (verb) = assemble or get together

    Synonyms: gather, garner, collect, pull_together

    • Usage: gather some stones
    • Usage: pull your thoughts together
  • gather (verb) = collect in one place

    Synonyms: meet, gather, assemble, forgather, foregather

    • Usage: We assembled in the church basement
    • Usage: Let's gather in the dining room
  • gather (verb) = collect or gather

    Synonyms: accumulate, cumulate, conglomerate, pile_up, gather, amass

    • Usage: Journals are accumulating in my office
    • Usage: The work keeps piling up
  • gather (verb) = conclude from evidence

    Synonyms: gather

    • Usage: I gather you have not done your homework
  • gather (verb) = draw together into folds or puckers

    Synonyms: gather, pucker, tuck

  • gather (verb) = get people together

    Synonyms: assemble, gather, get_together

    • Usage: assemble your colleagues
    • Usage: get together all those who are interested in the project
    • Usage: gather the close family members
  • gather (verb) = draw and bring closer

    Synonyms: gather

    • Usage: she gathered her shawl around her shoulders
  • gather (verb) = look for (food) in nature

    Synonyms: gather

    • Usage: Our ancestors gathered nuts in the Fall
  • gather (verb) = increase or develop

    Synonyms: gain, gather

    • Usage: the peace movement gained momentum
    • Usage: the car gathers speed
  • Other words to learn

    Also See

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