Gig meaning in Hindi

Gig is a english word.

Gig Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • gig = हल्की गाड़ी जो एक घोड़े द्वारा खींची जाती है

    • Usage: Before automobiles, gigs were the main means of transport.

Gig Meaning in Detail

  • gig (noun) = long and light rowing boat; especially for racing

    Synonyms: gig

  • gig (noun) = an implement with a shaft and barbed point used for catching fish

    Synonyms: spear, gig, fizgig, fishgig, lance

  • gig (noun) = a cluster of hooks (without barbs) that is drawn through a school of fish to hook their bodies; used when fish are not biting

    Synonyms: gig

  • gig (noun) = tender that is a light ship's boat; often for personal use of captain

    Synonyms: gig

  • gig (noun) = small two-wheeled horse-drawn carriage; with two seats and no hood

    Synonyms: gig

  • gig (noun) = a booking for musicians

    Synonyms: gig

    • Usage: they played a gig in New Jersey
  • Other words to learn

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