Give away meaning in Hindi

Give away is a english word.

Give away Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • give away = देना

    • Usage: He gave away his old clothes to the poor.
  • give away = बाँटना

    • Usage: The principal gave away the prizes to the winners.
  • give away = कन्यादान करना

    • Usage: The bride was given away by her father.

Give away Meaning in Detail

  • give away (verb) = make a gift of

    Synonyms: give_away

    • Usage: She gave away her antique furniture
  • give away (verb) = make known to the public information that was previously known only to a few people or that was meant to be kept a secret

    Synonyms: unwrap, disclose, let_on, bring_out, reveal, discover, expose, divulge, break, give_away, let_out

    • Usage: The auction house would not disclose the price at which the van Gogh had sold
    • Usage: The actress won't reveal how old she is
    • Usage: bring out the truth
    • Usage: he broke the news to her
    • Usage: unwrap the evidence in the murder case
  • give away (verb) = formally hand over to the bridegroom in marriage; of a bride by her father

    Synonyms: give_away

  • give away (verb) = give away information about somebody

    Synonyms: denounce, tell_on, betray, give_away, rat, grass, shit, shop, snitch, stag

    • Usage: He told on his classmate who had cheated on the exam
  • Other words to learn

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