Glow meaning in Hindi

Glow is a english word.

Glow Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • glow = दीप्ति

    • Usage: I could see the glow on her face due to happiness.
  • glow = चमकना

    • Usage: The bulb is glowing.

Glow Meaning in Detail

  • glow (noun) = an alert and refreshed state

    Synonyms: freshness, glow

  • glow (noun) = light from nonthermal sources

    Synonyms: luminescence, glow

  • glow (noun) = the phenomenon of light emission by a body as its temperature is raised

    Synonyms: incandescence, glow

  • glow (noun) = a feeling of considerable warmth

    Synonyms: glow

    • Usage: the glow of new love
    • Usage: a glow of regret
  • glow (noun) = a steady even light without flames

    Synonyms: glow

  • glow (noun) = the amount of electromagnetic radiation leaving or arriving at a point on a surface

    Synonyms: radiance, glow, glowing

  • glow (noun) = an appearance of reflected light

    Synonyms: gleam, gleaming, glow, lambency

  • glow (verb) = emit a steady even light without flames

    Synonyms: glow

    • Usage: The fireflies were glowing and flying about in the garden
  • glow (verb) = have a complexion with a strong bright color, such as red or pink

    Synonyms: glow, beam, radiate, shine

    • Usage: Her face glowed when she came out of the sauna
  • glow (verb) = shine intensely, as if with heat

    Synonyms: burn, glow

    • Usage: The coals were glowing in the dark
    • Usage: The candles were burning
  • glow (verb) = be exuberant or high-spirited

    Synonyms: glow

    • Usage: Make the people's hearts glow
  • glow (verb) = experience a feeling of well-being or happiness, as from good health or an intense emotion

    Synonyms: glow, beam, radiate, shine

    • Usage: She was beaming with joy
    • Usage: Her face radiated with happiness
  • Other words to learn

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