Go through meaning in Hindi

Go through is a english word.

Go through Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • go through = पुनःजाना

    • Usage: You have to go through the entire procedure once again.
  • go through = सहना

    • Usage: Parents go through many difficulties to bring up their children.

Go through Meaning in Detail

  • go through (verb) = go or live through

    Synonyms: experience, see, go_through

    • Usage: We had many trials to go through
    • Usage: he saw action in Viet Nam
  • go through (verb) = apply thoroughly; think through

    Synonyms: work_through, run_through, go_through

    • Usage: We worked through an example
  • go through (verb) = go across or through

    Synonyms: pass, go_through, go_across

    • Usage: We passed the point where the police car had parked
    • Usage: A terrible thought went through his mind
  • go through (verb) = eat immoderately

    Synonyms: devour, down, consume, go_through

    • Usage: Some people can down a pound of meat in the course of one meal
  • go through (verb) = pursue to a conclusion or bring to a successful issue

    Synonyms: follow_through, follow_up, follow_out, carry_out, implement, put_through, go_through

    • Usage: Did he go through with the treatment?
    • Usage: He implemented a new economic plan
    • Usage: She followed up his recommendations with a written proposal
  • Other words to learn

    Also See

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