Grating meaning in Hindi

Grating is a english word.

Grating Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • grating = झंझरी

  • grating = खिजानेवाला

Grating Meaning in Detail

  • grating (noun) = a barrier that has parallel or crossed bars blocking a passage but admitting air

    Synonyms: grate, grating

  • grating (noun) = a frame of iron bars to hold a fire

    Synonyms: grate, grating

  • grating (noun) = optical device consisting of a surface with many parallel grooves in it; disperses a beam of light (or other electromagnetic radiation) into its wavelengths to produce its spectrum

    Synonyms: diffraction_grating, grating

  • grating (verb) = furnish with a grate

    Synonyms: grate

    • Usage: a grated fireplace
  • grating (verb) = gnaw into; make resentful or angry

    Synonyms: eat_into, fret, rankle, grate

    • Usage: The injustice rankled her
    • Usage: his resentment festered
  • grating (verb) = reduce to small shreds or pulverize by rubbing against a rough or sharp perforated surface

    Synonyms: grate

    • Usage: grate carrots and onions
    • Usage: grate nutmeg
  • grating (verb) = make a grating or grinding sound by rubbing together

    Synonyms: grate, grind

    • Usage: grate one's teeth in anger
  • grating (verb) = scratch repeatedly

    Synonyms: scrape, grate

    • Usage: The cat scraped at the armchair
  • grating (adj) = unpleasantly harsh or grating in sound

    Synonyms: grating, gravelly, rasping, raspy, rough, scratchy

    • Usage: a gravelly voice
  • Other words to learn

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