Groove meaning in Hindi

Groove is a english word.

Groove Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • groove = ग्रूव{नाली जैसा}

    • Usage: The doors have grooves on the side.
  • groove = ग्रूव बनाना

Groove Meaning in Detail

  • groove (noun) = a long narrow furrow cut either by a natural process (such as erosion) or by a tool (as e.g. a groove in a phonograph record)

    Synonyms: groove, channel

  • groove (noun) = a settled and monotonous routine that is hard to escape

    Synonyms: rut, groove

    • Usage: they fell into a conversational rut
  • groove (noun) = (anatomy) any furrow or channel on a bodily structure or part

    Synonyms: groove, vallecula

  • groove (verb) = make a groove in, or provide with a groove

    Synonyms: groove

    • Usage: groove a vinyl record
  • groove (verb) = hollow out in the form of a furrow or groove

    Synonyms: furrow, rut, groove

    • Usage: furrow soil
  • Other words to learn

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