Halfway meaning in Hindi

Halfway is a english word.

Halfway Meaning in Hindi (हिंदी में मतलब)

  • halfway = बीच वाला

    • Usage: They reached the halfway point of the race-track and came back .
    • Usage: वे दौड़ के मार्ग के बीच वाले स्थान तक जा कर वापस लौट आए .
  • halfway = आधा रास्ता

    • Usage: The pilgrims of Maan Srovar came back from the half-way due to landslide .
    • Usage: मान सरोवर यात्री भूस्खलन के कारण आधे रास्ते से लौट आए.

Halfway Meaning in Detail

  • halfway (adj) = equally distant from the extremes

    Synonyms: center, halfway, middle, midway

  • halfway (adj) = at a point midway between two extremes

    Synonyms: halfway

    • Usage: at the halfway mark
  • halfway (adj) = including only half or a portion

    Synonyms: halfway

    • Usage: halfway measures
  • halfway (adv) = at half the distance; at the middle

    Synonyms: halfway, midway

    • Usage: he was halfway down the ladder when he fell
  • Other words to learn

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